Before I continue on I'd like to thank Dr. Allen Webb for bringing these issues and concerns not only to my attention, but to the interest of my classmates and several more throughout his journey for a better Africa.
Now moving on with my topic, I've come across a few sites I found interesting and that I wanted to go deeper into detail with my research for. A list of those sites include the following...
- childsoldiers.net
- child-soldiers.org (Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers), and of coarse...
- invisiblechildren.com
I'm sure (or at least I hope) these are just a few places where information is being given as well as action being taken to rehabilitate what damage has been done to these innocent children, and to STOP any of the things being done to continue using these children. Hopefully by the end of my final project I will have come up with some ideas that can really give aid and take action to prevent the mental, emotional, and physical destruction of children in Africa or anywhere else.